We are excited to announce a new partnership with RepairPal, the largest and most trusted auto repair network for high quality and fair prices. This partnership will provide our customers with access to a nationwide network of top-rated mechanics through RepairPal, making it easier for them to find reliable and trustworthy service when they need it the most.
RepairPal connects customers with a nationwide network of mechanics who meet their rigorous standards. With over 3,200 RepairPal Certified shops across the country, customers can be sure that they're getting the best service possible, with the quality of all repairs fully guaranteed by their certified shops. Customers can also access unbiased reviews of local shops on the RepairPal website, making it easy to find the right mechanic for their needs.
Together, Zoomi and RepairPal provide a comprehensive solution for unexpected breakdowns. With Zoomi's breakdown coverage, customers are protected financially, and with RepairPal's network of top-rated mechanics, customers can be sure that their repairs will be completed to the highest standards. We are excited to work together to offer our customers the best possible experience when it comes to car repair and maintenance. To read more about our partnership, visit RepairPal.
Customers interested in scheduling an appointment through RepairPal can do so for free at Zoomi's special RepairPal Portal.